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Online Journal

Haokun Wang


In the previous few weeks of shooting and supervisions, the works revolves around the original plan. And after that I met some problems about the result is not as good as expected and some shoot.


In the week5, we talked about the places or areas where might would have higher chances exist the view what I want and make sure the basic style of the work.


In the week 6, we start to talk about the photographic typologies. This might be a great way to solve the issue that the theme is not prominent and lacks interest in some way. It could enhance the commonality between similar pictures and guide the viewer to think about the similarities and differences in these photos, which can better show the theme of this group of works. However, it also means the series need much more photos and similar composition than original plan. But I believe it’s worth to have a try.


In the week 7, continued discussions around photography typologies. And, in this discussion i found that the photography typologies need much more photos as material than I thought before. So I decide the change to strategy of my shooting idea. I need to film all the benches that I find everywhere. Otherwise, I will not have enough stock for the final selection part. 

In the week 8, we discussed about the grid. I am not sure about this idea at the moment, but I think this will be a very interesting attempt, because it can not only strengthen that layer but also enrich the work. However, the exact method is still not very certain, but there are currently two ideas, one is simply combined with photographic typologies, the other is to use other pictures as a background to enrich the level and atmosphere of the photo of the chair.

April 2020

In the week 9, the work of photographic typologies didn't go well. Although I picked some of photos to put into the grid. The result didn't good enough as my imagination. However, I found put some inanimate objects in my works might be a good idea, because I think this could emphasise the conflict that between human should be in these scenes but they doesn't and these inanimate objects should not be there but they does. 

In the week 10, the discussion is about the further work of the sculptures and benches. I made the draft of these works. In some ways, the works are going very well. And I also found the work is hard than I thought before. Many things need to be considered in these works, like lights, the act of sculpture, colours and perspective relation.

In the week 11, I was wondering about two questions what I got from review B. First one, do I need to add or fix more details up for sculptures like shadows. Then I decided not to do these. Because I do want these sculptures look fit in these surroundings, but I don't want them fit perfectly, these could emphasise the conflict of they shouldn't be there. The other one is how about put multiple sculptures in one picture, I decided to have a try, because I'm also looking forward to seeing the effect of put different sculptures together.

In the week 12, we discussed some new combination of my works between surroundings and sculptures. In this week, I try to use some previous works of benches. Some of them have good atmosphere, but I also found It doesn't mean these photos could works well with sculptures together.

May 2020

In the week 13, same as last week, I try to find more possibility about combination of surroundings and sculptures. However, this week the most of my works is focusing on put multiple sculptures in one pictures. Some of them are interesting but some weird, it kind of hard to decide in these situations. 

In the week 14, the discussion is about the final version of the sculptures and benches. Some works didn't get the enough result as my expectation. So I would keep trying more combination in rest time. And the final work would be check the detail of sculptures look good in many ways like colours and lights.

June 2020

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